As I recently said in our Vet visits blog,
our Vet came out last month to do the yearly checkup and shots, and she brought donuts!
Not for us as my husband hoped, but for the pig.
Yup, that's how we roll around here.
A friend showed up with a bucket,
"here I brought this for your pig."
Anyways, I had this bag of donuts laying around in the barn, so I decided to get rid of it.
I emptied it into Priscilla's bucket and turn around, when I turn back I see Dove practically choking herself to reach the bucket.
"You want a donut?"
I ask holding out one to her.
First, she flinched, but the smell of sugar overrode her (unwarranted) fear of me.
She stretched her neck as far as it would go and took the donut with her tongue.
Since that day I have been giving her a donut a day, and the results are awesome.
She went from running out the door frantically when I entered the barn too, well this.......
Well, Hello!
It's a relief because I was worrying I would not be able to keep and breed her.
I do not keep any animal that it not easy to handle.
My beef steers are one thing, but a breeder that you are up close with a lot has to be kind.
So our wonderful Vet may have just saved Dove's future on our farm.
Or maybe I should say the donuts did.