About us.

My husband and I run a small family farm in southern Vermont. With the help of extended family and wonderful friends, we attempt to make a living.
We (among other things.) produce maple syrup, sorghum syrup, honey, hay and grain that we provide to our customers as well as ourselves.
We live as greenly as possible, grow our own food, of the vegetable and meat variety.
I'm attempting to educate those not in the farming community about our life out here, the joys and trials of farming, which is not only a job but truly is a way of life. 
My intent is never to disparage. I do not intend to pass judgment on anything or anyone else's way of life I only intend to share what happens in my life as a farm girl. I hope to entertain and occasionally educate those who are interested in farming life. 

Although I may be talking about friends and relatives I do not intend to use any one's real name other than my own so my husband will be known as the Super Farmer (an old family joke)  and extended family will be known as however they are related to me.
I do hope this blog will bring good to all those who read it, even if it only be a smile.

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