Friday, February 17, 2017

People are strange, Farmers are stranger.

Disclaimer this Post has the word 'semen' in it a lot, Just letting you know.

There have been some strange things being said around our house the last couple of days.
There have even been improvised songs written.

"When the semen comes we can go about our day. 
When the semen comes we will jump and shout hurray!
When the semen comes we can reproduce our swineeeee!"

There have also been comments like-
"I spun the semen just so you know."
"Sweety, did you take care of your semen?"
  Q "Did you remember the seamen, love?"
A "Yes, it's in my pocket."

Now, we are not pervs, let me explain.
Our pig semen arrived a day late due to bad weather. We spent a wasted day waiting for its arrival and singing. 
Because semen is very sensitive to temperature and light It needed to be cared for upon arrival.
It only stays viable for a few days and the bottles need to be turned to prevent separation.
Good news is it's all here and safe, so now I just need Primrose to be in standing heat, should be happening in a day or two.
Standing heat means just that, she is in full 'heat' and will 'stand' still for the boar. I mean rock still, you can sit on her. 
She won't budge, should be soon.

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